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An Umbrella Without Rain

Occasionally, I find myself at a venue with reduced options for my bride and groom portraits. One such venue is the Shireburn Arms at Hurst Green. It’s a great hotel, with extremely helpful staff, but rather small gardens at the rear. It’s basically a narrow strip of grass and small trees that runs alongside their patio. Well, you just have to utilise what you have

An Umbrella Without Rain2020-10-19T17:24:17+01:00

The Watchful Bride

With her room on the ground floor, Nicola spent quite some time spying on her fiancé (thanks to Jonathan Ryan for pointing out my faux pas!) and his friends prior to the wedding. I had initially thought to light her with a number of speedlights to help separate her from the background, but changed my mind.

The Watchful Bride2020-10-19T17:24:17+01:00

Bride Arrival

Another overcast day, and a similar problem seen in the previous blog post. However, due to distances involved, and the fact I also wanted the dramatic sky to aid the image, I chose a different technique here. Whereas in the last post I mentioned judicial use of extra light to pop the image, this wasn’t really going to be an option here, and I was

Bride Arrival2020-10-19T17:24:18+01:00

Outdoor Bride and Groom Portrait

The difference between a good image, and an image that really pops, is quite often down to the light, and how it’s been used. Here, the day was overcast, but the ambient light was fairly bright. The diffusion caused by the clouds caused the colours to look a little flat and detail to be lost in the dress and flowers. So, what was I going

Outdoor Bride and Groom Portrait2020-10-19T17:24:18+01:00

The Leaping Groom

When I get a Bride and Groom that are confident, and will at least listen to creative ideas without shuddering, I tend to get very excited and all those ideas and visions I’ve had for some time start to bubble forth.

The Leaping Groom2020-10-19T17:24:28+01:00

Scott and Leanne

Saturday proved to be one of the more relaxing weddings I’ve photographed. No rush, no holdups and no complications. Leanne and Scott are both organised people, and it showed on the day. It was a nice sized wedding with close family and friends invited, who were all very warm people.

Scott and Leanne2020-10-19T17:24:29+01:00
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