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Location portraits, I love them. This may look like a studio portrait, but it was actually taken in the front room of her house. ok, so I may have a few problems to solve when arriving at the chosen venue, but I find I get images that show more of the subject’s character.


Preparation of the Groom

The bride at this wedding didn’t want the usual bridal prep as she was a little camera shy (although she threw herself into the later photo opportunities with some gusto, and rightly so, as she was a beautiful bride). Hmmmm, a wedding album without bridal prep shots. Not something I felt comfortable with, as I felt the album would be incomplete. I certainly wasn’t about

Preparation of the Groom2020-10-19T17:24:17+01:00

The Watchful Bride

With her room on the ground floor, Nicola spent quite some time spying on her fiancé (thanks to Jonathan Ryan for pointing out my faux pas!) and his friends prior to the wedding. I had initially thought to light her with a number of speedlights to help separate her from the background, but changed my mind.

The Watchful Bride2020-10-19T17:24:17+01:00

Outdoor Bride and Groom Portrait

The difference between a good image, and an image that really pops, is quite often down to the light, and how it’s been used. Here, the day was overcast, but the ambient light was fairly bright. The diffusion caused by the clouds caused the colours to look a little flat and detail to be lost in the dress and flowers. So, what was I going

Outdoor Bride and Groom Portrait2020-10-19T17:24:18+01:00

Outdoor Portrait

In a follow up to Stuart Little’s blog entry regarding our meet on the 11th and 12th April, (… ) I thought I’d post one of my shots from the very brief shooting session we had together (although I had no idea Stu was being sneaky behind my back, taking the “work in progress” shots!

Outdoor Portrait2020-10-19T17:24:19+01:00

Corporate Head Shot

The image above was set up, tested, shot and then dismantled, all within 15 minutes. The client is an Assistant Director of BNI (Business Networking International). It was taken early afternoon at the Bolton Wanderers Soccer stadium (The Reebok Stadium in Bolton) in a rather large room with the lights off, all ambient light coming from a wall of glass camera right (huge windows overlooking

Corporate Head Shot2020-10-19T17:24:19+01:00

An afternoon with the boys

I had a phone call from a good friend of mine, Renae. Due to a change of circumstances, she was having to move house and would be living on her own. Unfortunately, this meant her two dogs would be on their own for a major part of the day.

An afternoon with the boys2020-10-19T17:24:22+01:00


In the middle of working on the previous wedding photographs, I get a frantic call from a mother who wants her son photographed before the hired gown goes back the following day. Hmmm, ok I say and chuck my gear together and head out west. Well, across the valley, anyway.

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