A Busman’s Holiday for a Photographer
I’ve often said all my photography is client driven. From food to vehicles, roomsets to fashion, products to bridal brochures, it was always to realise someone else’s vision. Which is great.
I’ve often said all my photography is client driven. From food to vehicles, roomsets to fashion, products to bridal brochures, it was always to realise someone else’s vision. Which is great.
The above image is probably not that interesting. A quick conversion from a raw file, with the dust spots removed from the table top.
This shoot was arranged to benefit Rebecca, our model, and also Keli, the rather unassuming and very talented makeup artist.
A funny thing happened on the way to the studio, or so the story begins. For some time my wife, along with a few close friends and employees, had basically nagged me senseless to look at purchasing a camera system that would be radically different to my work gear.
Following on from the morning’s shoot of the rooms and exterior of the Port A Beach Lodge, I was to do a bridal brochure for the Lodge.
Travelling to the USA seems like a fun idea. New places, new sites and sounds and new friends. What a great idea. Oh, I almost forgot. I’m working. Well, that’s ok. I’ll just pack a few things. You know, a camera, a lens or two, it’ll be easy. Phhhttt!