BTS Video – ELB1200 Review
A brief video of the last part of the Elinchrom ELB1200 review, using the Pro head for High Sync.
A brief video of the last part of the Elinchrom ELB1200 review, using the Pro head for High Sync.
Whilst I only had the ELB1200 Action and Pro head to play with, I fancied my chances with pushing the Pro head as far as I could with the Skyport HS transmitter.
I was lucky to be given early access to the Elinchrom ELB1200, and I wanted a number of shoots with various themes. Basically, to test the flexibility and capabilities of the unit.
As a commercial photographer, I often find I’m switching backgrounds at a fair rate of knots. White, black and grey being the usual suspects. Not really an issue with most things, but anything that needs to be wall mounted is definitely a challenge.
The above image is a composite of four images, suggested by my assistant Wayne. The original portraits were to be full length, in an environment conducive to an era when a string quartet would have been very much at home.
I’ve often said all my photography is client driven. From food to vehicles, roomsets to fashion, products to bridal brochures, it was always to realise someone else’s vision. Which is great.
This shoot was arranged to benefit Rebecca, our model, and also Keli, the rather unassuming and very talented makeup artist.
The final day at the World Food Championships was the big one. All category winners were going head to head with the aim of being crowned WFC World Champion 2016, and taking home the $100,000 prize.
My remit for the World Food Competition Blogger Summit in Orange Beach, Alabama was straight forward. Explain the importance of food styling, lighting and photography.
Following on from the morning’s shoot of the rooms and exterior of the Port A Beach Lodge, I was to do a bridal brochure for the Lodge.