Corporate Photography
Jo and Cass This was a straightforward brief for a hairdressing salon in Preston, Jo and Cass. Basically, provide something eye catching for a magazine article regarding their two newest recruits.
Jo and Cass This was a straightforward brief for a hairdressing salon in Preston, Jo and Cass. Basically, provide something eye catching for a magazine article regarding their two newest recruits.
When I saw an image of the dress, I thought it was “nice”. I thought more of it when I was told it had been designed by Daniella Jepson. I was a little surprised to be told Daniella had made the dress by hand. I damn near fell off my chair when I was told the dress was made entirely of paper doilies, I kid
As promised, the rather gorgeous video produced by KateH arling of Marmalade Toast for the launch and promotion of Lencarta’s IGBT SuperFast Heads.
Remember young Mollie? Well, I tested our friendship with this particular shoot. I’d previously shot some images with the Lencarta SuperFast heads and Emma, and felt I couldn’t really subject Emma to the same sort of treatment. This particular shoot was to produce the promotional video for the heads, and would involve water, milk yoghurt and colourants. Yep, it was going to be messy and
Remember the band shoot I did for Montego Bay, along with Captive North? Well, this is the video I couldn't bribe Captive North to bury, Meh!
This was probably the most fun I’ve had on a shoot, for quite a while 🙂 Emma is a long term friend, although I do wonder why she puts up with me when I subject her to such treatment as this. Yes, that’s milk. Lots of it!
This was part of the shoot for the “lifestyle” images for the Lencarta 2013 catalogue. The above image is how I envisaged the original concept, but due to time restraints and the fact the dress didn’t actually throw to both sides simultaneously without displaying underwear, we settled on the image lower down for the index page of the catalogue.
These images were part of an initial idea for the new 2013 Lencarta catalogue, which weren’t used in the final version. The idea was to have Jade struggling against the wind with the tethered umbrella, trying to stop it taking off in the wind. Whilst Jade is an accomplished actress, she didn’t really need to try very hard on this occasion, because the wind was
Rachel Mason was using a new hair colour and highlight system, and needed some images to aid her tutorials. Mollie has an amazing hair colour to begin with, and the new treatment accentuated it nicely. The emphasis needed to be on Mollie’s hair, its colour and texture.
Meet Jade, the young lady seen on the Lencarta stand at Focus on Imaging 2012, and in a number of Lencarta shoots before and after. This image was to be used to promote the Lencarta presence at Focus 2013 ( Stand F31 for those making the pilgrimage this year ).