Lighting Tutorials, Reviews and More
Photographing Lights and Lamps
Product photography for me, seems to attract a lot of domestic and commercial light manufacturers. This tends to be one of the types of products that’s a little more difficult to photograph in-house by an employee with an iPhone or a “nice camera”.
PR and Marketing Photography
Marketing and PR photography. Something that tells the viewer “This is me, and this is what I do.”
Portrait of a Photographer
This is the portrait of Wayne Myers I shot for the blog entry on the launch of his own career as a full time professional, as opposed to working full time for me.
Modelling A Product
Photographing a product in a lifestyle setting can bring it’s own problems. We need to remember that the model is secondary to the product, and whilst they create the desirable lifestyle our client wishes to market to their potential clients, we need to bear in
Photographing Chocolate
Photographing chocolate can present challenges. If you aren’t careful with regards to lighting, the chocolate can take on an almost plastic look. Not particularly conducive to one of the world’s most renowned romantic food items.
Photographing Captain America at the Comic Con
This was one of the first events the Olympus E-M1 covered. As I mentioned in The Tides of Change post, the Olympus was originally purchased for personal work.