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Lighting Tutorials, Reviews and More

Review Elinchrom Five

Review Elinchrom Five Following the launch of the Elinchrom One, Elinchrom hinted at something bigger on the horizon. Ladies and Gentlemen, meet the Five. At first glance, it looked very, very familiar. The case certainly looked like the ELC 500 and the Pro HD version,

Review Phottix M200R LED Panel

Review Phottix M200R LED Panel You know, considering I'm a dedicated stills only type of guy (Of some considerable years, I might add!), I'm getting a lot of LED panels for review. To be honest, I've been pleasantly surprised by all those I've reviewed, not

What Is A Portrait

What is a portrait? It's certainly not a headshot, mugshot or snapshot. A portrait isn't merely the likeness of a person, a quick snap of the Friday night happenings with inane grins and vacant eyes. Nor is it pouting lips and filtered plastic skin. (Yes,

Using One Light

Using One Light Using artificial light can make a huge difference to your images, and therefore your appeal to potential clients. And yes, I can hear you, Thomas, and your “I only shoot ambient”. Ambient is great, if the light is exactly as where you


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