Lighting Tutorials, Reviews and More
Competitive Hair Styling Entry
This isn’t a headshot, or even a portrait. It’s actually a product shot. Well, kinda.
Corporate Headshot Photography
Corporate headshot photography needs to say more than “hello!”, because it’s also representative of the business. That can mean including the ambience of the setting, or putting the subject in context.
Product Photography – Perspex Signs
As products go, these signs had their own set of challenges. The main thing I wanted to preserve, was the three dimensional nature and depth of the acrylic. The numbering was quite pronounced within the plastic, and I wanted to make sure that was
The Northern String Quartet
The above image is a composite of four images, suggested by my assistant Wayne. The original portraits were to be full length, in an environment conducive to an era when a string quartet would have been very much at home.
Engineering Product Photography
This was an unusual shoot. Not really the subject, or the lighting etc. More the circumstances than anything.
Creating A Simple Portrait
The technique demonstrated is “short lighting”, where an accent light is used on the far side of the subject’s face, which then has a slimming effect to their features. This wasn’t a portrait session, but a quick demonstration example, shot during a mentoring session.