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Lakeside Sunset at Clevely Mere

There’s nothing I like better than being able to provide something a little bit special for my brides and grooms. This is Nicola and Tony on their wedding day. A couple that flew in from Australia for their wedding at Clevely Mere. Believe me, it was a lot of fun!

Lakeside Sunset at Clevely Mere2020-10-19T17:23:47+01:00

Food Photography in Preston

Of all the subjects I photograph, I tend to find food photography more demanding than most. The chef wants it to convey everything he’s put into the preparation, along with detail and texture. The ambience of the restaurant has to register too, with a feeling the food belongs in that particular setting.

Food Photography in Preston2020-10-19T17:23:47+01:00

Entry Level Studio Lighting

How many times have we heard “If only I could afford better!”, or something similar. I had a recent conversation regarding lighting equipment, and the subject inevitably turned to cost. I don’t really subscribe to the idea expensive=better. Sure, you tend to have more features etc, but the ability to make the image in your head into a physical print is down to the skill

Entry Level Studio Lighting2020-10-19T17:23:47+01:00

Senior Location Portrait

This was a shoot that had been promised for a number of years. The young lady is in fact my niece, Chelsea, and some time ago I said I’d organise a portrait session for her. Well, time soon slipped by, and the 120 miles between us doesn’t help.

Senior Location Portrait2020-10-19T17:23:48+01:00
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